Oliviero, valiant Paladin of France. Marchese of Frata, Brother of Aldabella (wife of Orlando, of which was therefore brother-in-law). Obtained the marquisate, underwritten Carlo Magno, converted to Christianity and struggled heroically against the pagans. He went back to helping the Queen of Constance, fedelsmonde, after the victory, he married her and had two children. In his absence, however, the kingdom was besieged and his wife and children were kidnapped and oliviero fell into a deep crisis. Only after the family managed to meet. He died in the bloody battle of Roncisvalle next to his brother-in-law, Orlando.
Cantilever armor and fusion fit. It was part of the collection of Sicilian Pupi from "Mini-Combat". Preserved in the collections of the Baroni D'Amico Gironde di Monopoli, San Vito and Cardinal.
Artisan work of one of the largest Sicilian puppers, Salvatore Faro, "U Lumaru" (Catania, 1921-1970). Impresario who managed his own theater in Via Carlo Forlanini in Catania in which, during the shows, he also carried out the role of pupils and manianer of Pupi. He designed and painted the billboards for evening shows and built the relative "Pupi" from "fighting" and "mini-fighting". It is remembered as a famous master of a puppy lineage.