Mask to hang.
The Catania art workshop which has made itself known in Italy and abroad since 1998, in particular for the processing of paper and the artistic reinvention of disused objects (hence Cartura as an acronym for paper and garbage), has invented, designed, built artistic productions in the field of paper and cardboard recovery, developing a language and a unique style, today recognizable in a signature and in a way of conceiving art and manual work: "Carturismo".
Master Alfredo Guglielmino founder of Cartura and Masters Elena Cantarella and Calogero La Bella, invent cultural and artistic projects , transforming things and places, telling stories and characters, opening the doors of the imagination and enveloping the viewer in highly emotional spaces of creativity and action. Many of Cartura's artistic collaborations in these years, from the stage set-up for "La penna di Hu" in the Catanese summer program under the artistic direction of Andrea Camilleri (Teatro Stabile, Catania 2000), to the creation of the costumes for "Anima et body" with choreography by Donatella Capraro (Vincenzo Bellini Institute, Noto 2002), from the stage and museum installations of the "Saga del Signore della Nave" by Vincenzo Pirrotta for the Teatro India (Rome 2006), at the EcoMuseo dei Terracing and Vine of Cortemilia (Cuneo 2000), to the installations for the Mediterranean Festival (Catania 2003) for artists such as Franco Battiato, Goran Bregovic, Youssou N'Dour, Edoardo Bennato. Still “Chapitre # 1000” theater by avranches and bresey (Normandia 2002), “Librino è bella”, staging for the writer Paco Ignacio Taibo as part of the project by Antonio Presti for the Librino district (Catania 2004), stage works for the shows “Pert” (2017) and “Giovanna D'Arco” (2018) directed by Aldo Rapé, staging for the Barone di Villagrande company (Vinitaly Verona 2016), design of interior design for the Inboccalupo project (Annecy-Le-Vieux, France 2016), costumes and stage works for the tango Operita “Maria de Buenos Aires” (Teatro Massimo Bellini, Catania 2018). Among the artistic productions signed by Cartura there are many exhibition projects: “Zammù”, Malazeni, Lumière film library (Bologna 2008/2010), the exhibition “Des grands chemins” (Minerve, France 2008), the installations for Vinisud (Montpellier – France 2010), interior fittings and launch of the theater of the cultural artistic project Ma (Catania 2010-2013), marketing of the limited edition collections for the Fico Original Design project (Ortigia Syracuse 2014, Venice 2018) and the setting up of the Cellars and the Piccolo Museum of the Al-cantara company (Randazzo 2016). Many events that have had great resonance: "O che bel castello" great exhibition at the Norman Castle of Aci, (Acicastello 2002), "Tramanti", installations and performative improvisations for the Taobuk, International Book Festival (Taormina 2014), " Scalzi" exhibition and performance among the mosaics of Villa Romana del Casale (Piazza Armerina 2012), "Residenze Instabili", art residence lasting one month at the former Convitto Ragusa, transformation of the space with installations, workshops, performances and shows (Noto 2015), "Cartura va in Porto" creation of the carturist atelier on the port, artistic direction and preparation of the customs area for the multi-cultural project of Land (Catania 2016-2018), and "Buona" the annual tribute dedicated to Sant'Agata, patron saint of the city which has transformed over the years into an all-encompassing artistic event which culminated in February 2017 with the largest work (450cmx750cm) of Street Art on paper dedicated to the the Saint and in front of which the fercolo stopped during the procession. The puppetry sector is enriched year after year with new Carturist productions:
"Si è fece luna", written and directed by Cartura (Teatro Club, Catania 2005), performances created for the review " L'Altro Jazz” for the Improvised Sicilian Tour circuit (Scenario Pubblico, Catania 2005), “U beddu”, shadow and puppet show written and directed by Cartura (Emonska promenade, ljiublijana street theater festival, Slovenia; Puf festival , puppet theater festival Koper – Slovenia 2008), “Or I speak” show produced written and directed by Cartura with the music of the Angolo Giro (Ma Catania 2010-2011), “A Volte”, figure show (Teatrino TàTà, Cartura Catania 2015-2019), “Inventable", videomapping music show (Sullaluna) and figure included in the billboard of the Garibaldi Theater in Enna for the season signed by Mario Incudine (2017) and repeated for the Ursino international street arts festival Buskers (Catania 20 16), "NovenAnimata" for "A stage for the city" at the Sangiorgi Theater in Catania promoted by the Massimo Bellini Theater (2017) staged later at the Colonna Theater (Vittoria, February 2018), at the Babel Sound Festival (Balaton, Hungary July 2018).
In January 2019 the "Emotional anatomy symposium", a videomapping show of musical improvisation and figure in collaboration with Purquapà he made his debut at the Real Teatro Santa Cecilia in Palermo for the Ruby Tuesday review; in the same month it is the premiere of the show "Artist's Suitcases" a figure show to discover the art of the twentieth century which has recently landed in China on an intercontinental tour (International Museum of Puppets Pasqualino Palermo, Ursino Buskers 2019, ChengDu 2020) .