Lorenzo Pasinelli
(Bologna, 1629 - Bologna, 1700)
Circle of

Diana and her bathing nymphs, 17th century

Oil painting on canvas
42x48 cm, in a 60x66 cm frame

In the 2nd half of the 17th century Lorenzo Pasinelli was one of the most important painters of the Emilia-Romagna school. He was a pupil of Simone Cantarini and Flaminio Torri, both of whom trained under the influence of Guido Reni, for this reason he had the opportunity to observe and metabolise the stylistic canons of Reni's classicism and the characteristics of technique, design and colour. The work presents itself as a preparatory sketch, crowded with figures, complex in composition. The palette is notable and makes the work rich and brilliant due to its well-balanced color variety in the chiaroscuro adaptation of the shadows and darks. The characters are numerous, as often happens in his compositions, and have solid and well-rounded shapes, the color exaltation of the fabrics is moderated by the dark tones that dominate the background. Ultimately an essential and moderate baroque taste.


€ 1.500,00
Starting price
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